****************************** DOWNLOAD.TXT ******************************* * TAYLORED SOFTWARE'S * * VISUAL BASIC WIZARD * * UNREGISTERED VERSION 1.10.05 * * * J U L Y 9 4 * * ****************************************************************************** Below is a list of TRANSMISSION files found for your unregistered copy of TAYLORED SOFTWARE'S VISUAL BASIC WIZARD FOR WINDOWS 3.1. ************************************************************* The VISUAL BASIC WIZARD installation files can be contained on one 3 1/2" 1.44 MEG program master disk. It will contain all of the necessary files if it is properly created by you from the following instructions. Here are the files necessary that you have just received: 1.) VBWIZUR.ZIP - The compressed file of all compressed program files. 2.) DLLS.ZIP - The compressed DLL files if they are not contained in your windows system directory. 3.) UZ.EXE - The file uncompressor program. 4.) DOWNLOAD.TXT - This text file a copy of which is loaded to your C:\VB\VBWIZ directory during program installation. In order to be used for installation by Windows on your computer's C:\> drive and installed by windows to your computer's C:\VB\VBWIZ\> directory the VBWIZUR.ZIP transmission file will need to be uncompressed and stored on a 3 1/2"1.44 MEG newly formatted virus free disk. Once you have uncompressed it and the VISUAL BASIC WIZARD program installation is complete this file (VBWIZUR.ZIP) may then be deleted. The main distribution file that you have downloaded is labeled as VBWIZUR.ZIP and it contains all of the individual compressed program files that are used by the program including SETUP.EXE the setup file that is used by windows to install your VISUAL BASIC WIZARD program. To uncompress all of the installation files that are contained In the transmission file VBWIZUR.ZIP copy it (the file) along with the file UZ.EXE to your computers c:\ root directory and then place a newly formatted virus free 1.44 MEG 3 1'2" disk in either your a:\> or b:\> drive. Next access c:\ and at the prompt type the following exactly: UZ VBWIZUR.ZIP B:\ OR UZ VBWIZUR.ZIP A:\ Type whichever the case may be If the files have been copied properly and the diskette is virus and trouble free as it was when it was delivered all of the necessary files will be uncompressed to your floppy disk in the proper alphabetical order. Please make a backup copy of this new installation disk that you have just created for your protection using the DOS (COPY OR DISKCOPY) command. At the DOS Prompt type this as follows: A:\> copy *.* B:\> OR A:\> diskcopy *.* A:\> if you have a single disk drive. The next step is to check your windows system directory and verify if the following DLL files are present. 1.) LZEXPAND.DLL 2.) SETUPKIT.DLL Page 1 If they are not then you must again repete the uncompressing step as detailed above except you will need to enter the following command from your c;\ root directory. UZ DLLS.ZIP B:\ OR UZ DLLS.ZIP A:\ Type whichever the case may be Then you must copy these files to your computers c;\windows\system directory before proceding any further. PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE "ALL" OF THE VISUAL BASIC 3.0 PROGRAM FILES LOCATED IN YOUR COMPUTERS C:\VB DIRECTORY AND "ALL" OF THE VISUAL BASIC 3.0 DLL AND ACCESSORY FILES LOCATED IN THE C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM DIRECTORY INCLUDING VBRUN200.DLL FOR THIS PROGRAM TO LOAD AND WORK. The next and last step is to access windows and enter the following exact command from the RUN menu box of the files menu of your program manager and depending on if the floppy drive you are installing the VISUAL BASIC WIZARD program from your computer is a:\> or B;\> drive as the proper case may be. A:\SETUP.EXE B:\SETUP.EXE The program will then be fully installed and the setup program will then create the program group and all of the necessary program icons that are required to fully access and run all of the programs contained in your UNREGISTERED copy of VISUAL BASIC WIZARD FOR WINDOWS 3.1. Again thank you very much for trying our product and I hope that you will like it enough to register your copy with us. Please see the register help file accessed from the main program help menu if you so wish to register your SHAREWARE copy of the program and receive the full and updated registered version of the VISUAL BASIC WIZARD FOR WINDOWS 3.1 program. Also please review all of the program text files contained on the installation disk you have created or will create before you attempt to load the program via windows. Please see the BROWSE.DOC for full information on how to use BROWSE.COM [ the file browser ]. Jonathan B. Taylor 8504 Van Pelt Dr. Dallas, Texas 75228 PHONE: 1-214-328-4276 MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM P.S. AGAIN THANKS FOR USING OUR PRODUCT. VISUAL BASIC WIZARD is a registered trademark of Taylored Software. All programs on this disk are Copyrighted (C) 1994 by Taylored Software. page 2